DWYER Series PTGD Differential Pressure Piston-Type Gage PTGD-AA01A PTGD-AA02A PTGD-AA03A PTGD-AA05A PTGD-AA06A PTGD-AA07A PTGD-AA08A PTGD-AA09A PTGD-AA10A PTGD-AA11A PTGD-AA12A (more…)
Jual DWYER Differential Pressure Gages 2000-0-SP 2001-SP 2002-SP 2005-SP 2010-SP (more…)
Jual DWYER Differential Pressure Gage 4000 4000-0 4001 4002 4003 4004 4005 4006 4008 4010 4015 4020 4025 4030 4040...
DWYER Series PFG2 Process Filter Gage PFG2-02 PFG2-03 PFG2-06 (more…)
DWYER Series DM-1000 DigiMag® Digital Differential Pressure and Flow Gage DM-1102 DM-1103 DM-1104 DM-1105 DM-1107 DM-1108 DM-1109 DM-1110 DM-1111 DM-1112...
DWYER Differential Pressure Gage Series 2-5000 Minihelic® II 2-5000-0 2-5001 2-5002 2-5003 2-5005 2-5010 2-5020 2-5040 2-5060 2-5100 (more…)
DWYER Series 2000 Magnehelic® Differential Pressure Gage 2000-0 2000-00 2000-00N 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2008 2010 2015 2020...
Dial Height Gage Series 192-with Digital Counter 192-150 192-151 192-152 192-153 (more…)
MITUTOYO Vernier Height Gage Series 514-Standard Height Gage with Adjustable Main Scale 514-103 514-105 514-107 514-109 (more…)
MITUTOYO ABSOLUTE DIG. HEIGHT GAUGE SERIES 570 570-312 570-313 570-314 (more…)